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2001: Space Odyssey Poster

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Poster Design

2001: Space Odyssey monologue posters

By using the script from the movie, 2001: Space Odyssey, design a series of three typographic posters as per the criteria below:

1) Poster A: TYPE AS TEXT. Working with a grid organize text into a dynamic composition. Typeset the entire monologue so that it’s legible
and engaging. Make sure you consider the typeface, weight, size, hierarchy, margins, etc. Rules of typesetting should apply to this version.

2) Poster B. TYPE AS IMAGE. For this version, meaning takes priority. The
composition does not have to be legible. Type can be manipulated to
capture tension, anger, or any other emotion or feeling from the monologue. You don’t need to rely only on the computer for this version, you can use collage, mixed media, or any other mechanism to generate the poster.

3) Poster C. TYPE AS TEXT+IMAGE. For this version combine the methods from A and B to produce a visually expressive solution. Meaning of the monologue should be evident as well as how it reads. 

In the movie, HAL is a computer. There is no emotion in its sound, but there are emotions in its words. HAL is afraid, maybe guilty, and it is begging Dave for mercy. To present those emotions, I use some red lines and break down the words to make them feels unnormal. Thre red dots and alphabets form the emotion of HAL and Dave. 

Year: 2019

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